Evaporation Works Blog

Permian Basin Conference Interview

Written by E3 Technology | Aug 29, 2023 12:35:55 PM

Ed Butler and Keith Stelter - Discussion on produced water


Join Ed and Keith at the Permian Basin Conference as they discuss the direction industry needs are going.



Transcript of conversation:


Keith: We are coming to you fast and furious from the Permian Basin produced water Society conference.  It is still lunchtime here a lot of great people still in attendance waiting for the afternoon speakers. I'm your host Keith Stelter trying to bring you a little bit of positive PR for the oil and gas industry. A little education. Brought to you by American Safety Services and Environmental and Production Services call us today for Hydrovac, service rigs, training, all kinds of good stuff. call us today


The man beside me I'm going to let him do his own introduction because I have a huge habit of stumbling over the name or mixing something up or getting tongue-tied sir go ahead thank you for coming on. 


Ed: Absolutely. I appreciate the opportunity. I'm Ed Butler with E3 Solutions and I am a project development manager. We provide evaporation systems for industrial wastewater, produced water, mining water applications, and we're excited to be here.  It's a it's a great show.


Keith: What are your takeaways so far? Have you partake in any of the the speakers yet? 


Ed: I have and you know the emphasis on beneficial reuse, it's it's so nice to see an industry come together as a whole and embrace the concept of beneficial reuse. We're in a little different space in that we are in reduction of disposal volumes but it's it's nice to see the the focus on environmental, the ESG stewardship that the the industry as a whole is providing.

Keith: It's not 1985, the industry has come a long way and it's always innovating. It's one of the best Industries in my mind for innovating. If there is a problem, a need, the industry will find a way to to solve it. With your company, how long have you guys been around?


Ed: E3 Solutions has been around for 10 years and we've developed a variety of evaporation Technologies. Our latest models, we we're capable of evaporating anywhere from 500 to 5 000 barrels per day with low drift. We also integrate a meteorological station so during high wind events, we can lower the speed, reduce the evaporation efficiency of the motors a little bit, and therefore reduce the drift and the salt water carryover onto the surrounding property.


Keith: Wow that's great. I never thought about the need for that.


Ed: Yeah ranchers don't like a salt crust on their on their grazing lands.


Keith: No I imagine they don't. That's actually something I've never taken into consideration.

This is my second conference I came last year. Have you been to the conference before?


Ed: No, this first time to the produced water Society, but I've been to several in Midland, in Houston, for water applications.


Keith: Where do you think the industry is going from from here? What do you think the next big takeaway is going to be?


Ed: When I look back at the past three years, in the advances that have been made in the technology, in the completions profile of the water that that people are looking for in terms of recycled water, there have been huge strides made. It's going to be exciting to see in the next three years if we can get to a point where there's cost-effective desalination, that's the holy grail and if anybody can get there it's going to be this group. If people are going to do it, they're under this roof.


Keith: The application, water is such a precious commodity right now, that there's going to be applications for the water from that desalination that's going to be used all over the country.


Ed: Oh yeah, it'll be huge.


Keith: Thank you sir. I really appreciate it. Nice to meet you.


Ed: Thank you. Very nice to meet you as well.


Keith: Once again, produced water Society conference here in Birmingham Basin at the Horseshoe arena in Midland Texas. Come on down for this afternoon. The speakers, we've still got a great lineup and all day tomorrow and until next time that's how you troubleshoot.